
Posts Tagged ‘IFTR 2010 XVI World Congress’


International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR)

is soliciting paper proposals for

IFTR 2010

XVI World Congress

July 26th – 31st Munchen, Germany

At the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat

Hosted by Theaterwissenschaft

Deadline: 31 January 2010

IFTR working groups do not follow the conference theme which, for 2010, is Cultures of Modernity.

Instead, the Theatre Architecture Working Group wishes to focus on:

“Modern” theatre architecture, past and present.

While IFTR has positioned modernity in the 18th century, modernism in the late 19th century and modernization in the 20th century, we would like to add early modern, pre-modern, ancient and non-Western time frames for consideration in our working group. What would “Modern” theatre architecture” be for any period from the 21 century BCE Minoans to 21st century China?  Many of the themes in the IFTR 2010 call for papers can be factored into this focus. How has theatre architects (past and present) dealt with “problems of tradition and transition”? How have theatre architects of any period positioned “their work against the backdrop of the old.” How has the need to incorporate new technologies within the architecture of theatre spaces shaped the debate on the “true essence of theatre”? How has the modernist aesthetic shaped theatre architecture of today? Is the post-modern aesthetic radically changing theatre architecture in the 21st century?  Are Western theatre architects shaping the globalization of theatre today?

Priority will be given to papers that explore these issues from any historical, contemporary or theoretical prospective but papers that address the other issues in our purpose statement (see below) will also be considered.

To submit your abstract by the January 31, 2010 deadline, Go to:


Select Abstract proposal

Select Working Group at bottom of page

Be sure to identify your working group as Theatre Architecture.

After completing this process send a copy of your abstract as an email attachment to the working group convener, Franklin J. Hildy at hildy@umd.edu. Please use Times Roman 12 point type in  MS Word format.or put it all into the body of the email.  Be sure to include 1.) your name, 2.) your institutional affiliation and position, 3.) your email address, 4.) your less than 250 word abstract, 5.) your less than 150 word Curriculum vitae (resumé) and 6.) a clear statement of any special equipment you will need.

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